Press Release from our friends at the Santa Lucia Festival:
Contact: Todd Procopio, Committee President
402.312.4030 or
For Immediate Release
Festival Returns to Little Italy
Santa Lucia Festival hasn’t held festival in neighborhood since 2002
For the first time in nearly two decades, the annual Santa Lucia Italian Festival will return to its home neighborhood. The 97th annual festival will be held near 10th & William Streets, in front of St Frances Cabrini Church and Sons of Italy. The festival committee was forced to move the festival from its most recent location at the Lewis & Clark Landing, due to the $300 million riverfront revitalization project.
The Santa Lucia Italian Festival originated in Omaha’s Little Italy in 1925, located near 6th and Pierce streets throughout much of the festival’s rich history. The festival committee has worked closely with the City of Omaha, neighbors and local neighborhood groups to ensure a successful event. “We are extremely excited to be back in the neighborhood where it all started”, said festival president Todd Procopio.
The festival will run Thursday, July 8th through Sunday, July 11th. In recent years, the festival was held the first weekend in June. But, due to the pandemic, organizers pushed it back a month to allow for a less restrictive experience.
Established in 1925, the Santa Lucia Festival is one of the Midwest’s longest running festivals.

PDF version of press release