Omaha Event: Omaha Light Walk, 14 December

This Omaha event on 14 December begins at 4PM and free thanks to The Riverfront!

Please use the west entrance to KANEKO and bring hats, glove, mittens and socks for the local homeless shelters.

Besides the walk through the amazing light displays, enjoy free hot cocoa and cookies.

1111 Jackson St
Omaha, NE 68102-2824

Learn more at:

Omaha Event: Holiday Cultural Festival, 6 December

The Holiday Cultural Festival is a celebration of many different countries and cultures.

This Omaha event has crafts, musicians and dancers performing and holiday treats available for purchase.

It’s best to purchase tickets in advance and is free for museum members.

The Durham Museum
801 S 10th St.
Omaha, NE 68108

More at: