Omaha Event: Veterans in Business Forum, 18 October-Save the Date!

Save the date for the next Veterans in Business Forum-18 October at 0800 (8:00 AM)!

Red, white and blue flyer with content below.

Flyer content:

VIBF: Veterans in Business Forum

Veterans in Business Forum, 18 October 2024
Guest Speakers: Dean Kenkel & Ron Dupell Nebraska Veterans Coalition

Time:0800 – 0900 (8:00 AM- 9:00 AM)
Location: UNO
College of Business Administration Mammel Hall, Room 117
6708 Pine Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68182
Contact: Michel Thornhill

All are welcome to attend.
RSVPs are requested.

The Nebraska Veterans Coalition

The Nebraska Veterans Coalition is a nonpartisan and bipartisan volunteer group formed to inform veterans about legislation affecting their benefits. The Coalition meets with elected officials to introduce them to its mission and Nebraska Veterans’ concerns. It also uses social media to provide current news to veterans and family members about military activities, events and available benefits.

Primary purposes:
a. Convince the Legislature to introduce bills and pass laws inviting veterans to consider moving to Nebraska, thus providing incentives that would increase Nebraska’s tax revenues.
b. Promote the many state attractions and benefits to attract and retain skilled leaders and technicians who are separating from the military.
c. Promote available medical treatment for veterans suffering from invisible wounds of war and encourage veterans to seek treatment in the Massachusetts Free Home Base Program.
d. Become active participants in the Nebraska Governor’s Challenge to reduce the number of veteran suicides.
e. Persuade Veterans to be more involved in the process of Democracy

Primary Efforts:
a. Communicate with legislators, the governor’s office, and numerous other community leaders concerning the need for and benefits by persuading veterans to remain in Nebraska.
b. Working with the Nebraska Departments of Veterans Affairs and Labor and Veteran Service Organizations to improve services to veterans.
c. Advocating methods to improve retention of veterans in Nebraska.
d. Establish and maintain information distribution efforts through Facebook, the website, e-mails, and meetings to increase the number of veterans and supporters for the Coalition.
e. Work with the Nebraska Veterans Commission to provide them with information about the needs of veterans in Nebraska.

Veterans in Business Forum, VIBF: Red, white and blue logo with patriotic stlye eagle carrying a brief case


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