Listen to holiday music from 7 to 8 pm as performed by choral groups ranging from youth to professional musicians.
Author: OmahaNebraska
Omaha Event: South Omaha Lighting Ceremony, 3 December
Watch the lights go on at 24th Street between N and O Streets in South Omaha at 5 pm and again at 5:30 pm.
Omaha Event: North Omaha Lighting Ceremony, 3 December
Watch the lights go on at 24th and Lake Streets at 5 pm and again at 5:30 pm.
Omaha Event: Christmas in the Village, 3 December
The Empowerment Network puts on its sixth annual version of this event at 24th and Lake Streets from noon to 5 pm. Enjoy free carriage rides, live music, a live Nativity scene, cookie decorating, and more. Free admission.
Omaha Event: St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church’s Christmas in Greece, 3 December
Experience a Greek Christmas with live music, traditional Greek food and folk dance, and a visit by St. Nicholas. Tours of the church are available as well. Hours are 11 am to 7 pm.
St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church
602 Park Ave.
Omaha, NE
(402) 680-1576
Omaha Event: Rockbrook Village’s Santa in the Village, 3 December
Come ride around the shops of Rockbrook Village in a horse-drawn carriage with St. Nick while being serenaded by local school and church groups. Enjoy hot chocolate, too.
Rockbrook Village
108th and West Center Road
Omaha, NE
(402) 390-0800
Omaha Event: Durham Museum Ethnic Holiday Festival, 2 December
Learn how the world celebrates this joyful time of year during the Ethnic Holiday Festival! More than 40 local cultural organizations, including the Scottish Society of America, the Omaha Lithuanian American Community, the Nebraska Chinese Culture Association, Santa Lucia Festival and African Cultural Connection, proudly display their crafts and traditional dress, while musicians and dancers perform throughout the evening. Hard-to-find ethnic foods and gifts will be available for purchase.
Event runs from 5 to 9 pm. Admission $11 for adults, $8 for ages 12 and older and seniors, $7 for ages 3-12.
Durham Museum
801 S. 10th St.
Omaha, NE 68108
(402) 444-5071
Omaha Event: Christmas at the Cathedral, St. Cecelia’s Cathedral, 2 December
Hear the Omaha Symphonic Chorus present the 21st annual Christmas at the Cathedral, in conjunction with the Omaha Symphony Chamber Orchestra and the Nebraska Wesleyan University Choir.
Reserved seats are $18 and $30; some free seats are available. Concert time: 8 pm.
St. Cecelia’s Cathedral
701 N. 40th St.
Omaha, NE
(402) 398-1766
Omaha Event: First Friday Family Night, Omaha Children’s Museum, 2 December
The December edition of First Friday Family Night features winter-themed crafts and activities, as well as character appearances. Hours are 5 to 8 pm; admission is $12 for ages 2-adult, $11 for seniors 60 and over, free under 2 and to members.
Omaha Children’s Museum
500 S. 20th St.
Omaha, NE 68108
Omaha Event: Durham Museum Ethnic Holiday Trees Exhibit, 1-31 December
See how cultures from around the world celebrate the holiday season by the way they decorate their Christmas trees. Admission $11 for adults, $8 for ages 12 and older and seniors, $7 for ages 3-12.
Durham Museum
801 S. 10th St.
Omaha, NE 68108
(402) 444-5071