Omaha Interview: The Chefs at The Farnam, a New Omaha Hotel

Thank you to Chef Victor Bock (left) and Chef Igor Kokozov (right) for their interviews for our Omaha blog. The interviews took place at The Farnam, a new Omaha hotel on 21 May 2021. We wanted to learn a little bit about you, how you came into the restaurant industry and your journey of how you ended up here at The Farnam.

Victor Bock:  My name is Victor Bock, I’ve been a chef for about 36 years. Done pretty much every facet of the market except cruise ships, primary resort divisions. Most recently I was corporate chef and food and beverage director for a casino company overseeing properties in three different states and the Caribbean, as well.

I have have long standing relationship of one of the owners of Greenwood Hospitality and when this opportunity came up to come out here and do some task force work, COVID had caused my corporate chef position to be eliminated which I know affected a lot of people, of course. So, I came to Omaha back in the beginning of February.

We shared different ideas as far the food concept goes and what they are looking for.  The kitchen was not even built yet. But between Bill Kohl, who was one of the magic partners from Greenwood, and Angie and Jason Fisher, the owners of the property, we had quite the collaboration of what the food was going to be.

I then put together the menus and recipe development and then brought on Chef Igor as the permanent executive chef and we continue from there. Thank you.

Chef Igor Kokozov: Alright, my turn.

My name is Igor Kokozov, I am the executive chef at the Farnam hotel at Omaha, Nebraska.

I start my culinary journey, long, long time, well about 18 years ago and what get me to it is that it has no boundaries. That is why I decide that I have passion for cooking. I realize there is no boundaries in cooking and you pretty much can do and exercise your creativity you know and that is what brought me to cooking.

Also while I join the restaurants and Four Seasons Hotel for fifteen years, I’ve traveled the world, you know, and I have been almost everywhere and that is what  really got me excited. Working with different types of cuisines, there is no stamp, a pattern of knowledge. You keep always learning.

What brought me to Omaha, Nebraska? It’s pretty much that I travel anywhere. One day I just picked up and went to Middle East to open Four Season Hotel and I was thinking why not Nebraska? Is there something wrong in Nebraska? There is still American people living in this state like you go to New York,  Los Angeles ,the cosmopolitan cities, no one pays attention to each other.

Small cities tend to greet you with more warmth. Kind of experiencing this Midwestern hospitality in … since April 15th in my almost a month  you know.

After I came here, I met the owners. I saw Jason and Angie Fisher. I saw how much involved they were in the hotel. Like you see Jason carrying water and he’s doing something. Angie was always taking pictures.

I said to myself when people put in so much heart and soul in something like this, I want to be part of this family, you know. So I brought my family here and we closing on a house on the May 28, so we gonna become Nebraskans you know and that’s the deal right now. You probably won’t laugh (but I know other people but, um, my eyes are starting to tear up) when I finally got my driver’s license that said I was a Nebraskan because we moved around a lot.  I was so  happy I cried.

Chef Igor Kokozov: Yes, it’s a warming city. You don’t see it much in the weather but you see it in the people, oh my gosh.

I used to live in Florida, seven years I used to come out to the door everyone great each other and everyone was smiling you know and this is what I am experiencing here.

One friend of mine he came to Nebraska many years ago. He described it like this, ” It’s almost like a Switzerland you know. People are very courteous,  respectful you know and Swiss hospitality- only in the US!”  I haven’t been to Switzerland so I’ll  see if they are like Nebraskans when I go.

Chef Igor Kokozov:

You should compare Nebraska to Switzerland all the time but Swiss they know hospitality and I think most of the world they follow them. They start the hospitality industry they been there for a while and they know what it is all about.  Thank you

Chef Igor Kokozov: You are welcome.


Omaha Interview: Angie Fisher, Co-Owner of The Farnam Hotel

Angie and Jason Fisher

Thank you to Angie Fisher for her interview for our Omaha blog. The interview took place at The Farnam, a new Omaha hotel, on 20 May 2021 after the ribbon cutting. Congratulations on your new hotel!

Angie Fisher: Thank you..we really are so proud and humbled honestly by the support we have gotten and that’s  from all places in the city and even out of the city people who are just excited to have something new and fresh and something that I think exemplifies Omaha, so well.  I was amazed  because I got  tour [Tour was 4 May]  … the  attention to detail on everything and no room the same! It’s just gorgeous!!

Angie Fisher: Thank you, so much. We  definitely tried hard to make it interesting, layered, textural, comfortable and just add a lot of  touches to that really are unique and special.

For instance, like this paneling. behind me. Did you learn about that? Yes, but forgive me…I do not remember all the details.

Angie Fisher: It’s recycled sawdust from our projects.. and they pressed into panels and put it up representative of like farm quarter sections. That part I remember.

Angie Fisher: Yes, so it’s been really a passion project You know. I like to say it’s my hobby t because I am a physician in real life. Oh, I did not know that.

Angie Fisher: But it’s a pretty big hobby and we really just jumped in with both of our feet honestly because neither of us has any experience with building a hotel or a hospitality project especially something this big and special and you know just to do that and bring it to life and to see it with people enjoying it. It’s so great. We are so grateful. How long did the project take from the first little inkling?

Angie Fisher: About three years. Initially we did some market research to figure out what to do with this building. The Landmark building is a beautiful tool. I know and I kept seeing business leave …

Angie Fisher: Exactly. ... and leave …

Angie Fisher: Exactly. … but … I am very happy to be here why aren’t you [other businesses] happy to be here? [Both Little Mountain Web Design and are located in the Landmark building where the new hotel is located.]

Angie Fisher: So, unfortunately that’s  been kinda the Omaha urbran sprawl and we are hoping to bring more attention and more focus down here along with the park and along with the Holland and along with all the other projects that are happening down here to revive interest in downtown Omaha from a business perspective, for people who want to live down here and that kind of thing.

It’s been really fun but how the project started. We did market research though initially thought we’d be getting into apartments but there wasn’t really a need.

So we then looked at a boutique hotel and Jason and I love to travel. We love boutique hotels and we love details. And so we got to put all of that into this process and this package with a great design team, a great construction team and that was vital because we certainly could not do something like that on our own. So we are very happy to have such great people such great experience to help us on our way.

It’s our baby, so we just love being able to want to present this to Omaha and want to present Omaha like this. And so looking forward to having travellers and- to the College World Series, for instance, they get to experience Omaha at a different level I think then what you are used to. We also have the swim trials coming up.

Angie Fisher: Yes. We have the Golf Senior Open. Just a lot of really great things happening this summer. And now that we are getting out cages and out of our masks. This [your new hotel] comes at a tremendous time in history of Omaha and the country. You are just poised to where we want to enjoy things.

Angie Fisher: We are just ready to take off with the rest of the world. We are so excited. We are here. We are new. Let’s all live life and get out there and have fun and experience this!

Omaha Ribbon Cutting: Historic Florentine Apartments, 14 July

It was a great day for a ribbon cutting with a nice crowd in attendance for this auspicious occasion on 14 July 2019. The Historic Florentine had completed its renovation and became ready for tenants to occupy this grand place!

The Historic Florentine was one of the apartments built by Vincent Chiodo from 1911-1912. Vincent was born in Calabria, Italy. That city is where many of our Omaha Italian ancestors and relatives came from. (Please see Omaha Interview: Little Italy for more information on Italian immigrants in Omaha and reference to Vincent Chiodo.)

Over the years, the building experienced decline until it was sold an auction to an architect, John Schmidt. He had the best bid-and the only bid! No one else came to bid!

Fast forward ahead over five million dollars (and more stories) and it is ready for you to rent at 907 S. 25th St. (Please return for these stories later here on our Omaha blog.)

Amenities include:
Soundproofing between apartments
Large soaking tub

Looking for an apartment in Omaha, Nebraska?

Visit the Historic Florentine with tbe best of both worlds–Old World charm and architecture and New World modern apartments and appliances.

NP Dodge

Visit Online at:

Historic Florentine Apartments
907 S. 25th St.
Omaha, NE 68105

Omaha Event: Bacon Fest at the Kroc Center

There is still time to get in on the fun so head on down to this fun Omaha festival at:

KROC Center
2825 Y St.
Omaha, NE 68107
(402) 905-3500

before 5PM.

Thank you to everyone at the Kroc Center for a great time and some great photos.




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Here are just some of the vendors that came:

Approach Climbing Gym
US Cellular
AA Windows N Doors
Red Cross
Metro Omaha Tobacco Coalition
Anthony’s Steakhouse
NRG Media

For more on the KROC Center check out our interview with Madeline Moyer at The Kroc Center is located in South Omaha.