Omaha Event: Omaha Farmers Market-Sundays at Baxter Arena, 19 July

Come to the Omaha Farmers Market-Sundays at Baxter Arena from 09:00 AM to 1:00 PM to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and specialty items.

The Omaha Farmers Market-Sundays runs from July 12, 2020 to October 10, 2020

Want to know which vendors are there?

Questions on how this works with COVID and safety policies?

Omaha Farmers Market
Baxter Arena (across from Aksarben Village)
Parking Lot 26
2425 S 67th Street
Omaha, NE 68182
(402) 345-5401

Please visit their website for the latest information.

One thought on “Omaha Event: Omaha Farmers Market-Sundays at Baxter Arena, 19 July”

  1. Always a terrific event. It’s great that this hasn’t been canceled. Vendors put in a lot of work and the sponsors seem to have done everything to make it as safe as it can be. Now if I can just get up early on the weekend . . .

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