Omaha Event: Omaha Greek Festival, 20-22 August

It’s back! The Omaha Greek Festival is 20-22 August at St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church.

sign announcing Omaha Greek festival

This Omaha event offers Greek dancing, music gyros, souvlaki, baklava and more.

Check out their website at:

Omaha’s Original Greek Festival

St. John the Baptist Greek
602 Park Ave.
Omaha, NE 68105

2 thoughts on “Omaha Event: Omaha Greek Festival, 20-22 August”

  1. Where is the schedule for dancing groups and other music?
    I couldn’t find it anywhere on tge web site.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi, thank you for your question. I do not know their schedule and do not see it on their Facebook or website.

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