Omaha Air Show Interviews: The 501st Legion and the Defenders Detachment

The 501st and the Defenders Detachment are Star Wars costume clubs and so much more! They volunteer in the community, raise money for others and attend events. interviewed three members at their booth at the Offutt Air Show.

The 501st and the Defenders Detachment (Colin Oestreich, John Jaeckel and McKenna Hager) Interview with Colin Oestreich, Shore Trooper Squad Leader from the Defenders Detachment

Please tell me about how you got here, either as a volunteer or in your service.

Okay, I’m a retired Master Sergeant from this Air Force Base. I’ve been doing charity work my entire life, so continuing doing charity work in this capacity is just a lot of fun. So that’s why we do it. We never get paid. We only give to charity. We raise about $40 million a year as a whole throughout the entire organization just doing this.

That’s wonderful. I see you guys around, it’s a very supportive community. People get very excited to see you and hope you come to their event.

Oh yeah, all they have to do is ask for us to show up. So that’s the 501st Legion and now the Defenders Detachment, which is a newer group. This is only made up of military, police, civilian first responders, etc. So we represent…all of us are also members of that group too.

Tell me about your costume, please.

The costume itself, we have to make our own costumes. There’s no way to just purchase these. They’re not Halloween costumes. They have to be 100% movie accurate and of movie quality. And typically ours are a little bit better quality than the movie standards because we have to be right in front of you. So what you can do on screen, you can’t get away with in front of people. We have to be very careful.

How do we find you and ask you to come to an event or join you?

The easiest way is [ ] The other way is the Defenders Detachment. [ ]

Tell me about your character or your character’s name.

Okay. This is a shore trooper. This is a squad leader shore trooper because of the variation of the costume. This was first seen in the movie Rogue One then has shown up again in the show Andor and has also been in The Mandalorian—in a few scenes there were shore troopers—so that’s what this costume primarily is.

============================================================= Interview with John Jaeckel, First Order Storm Trooper from the 501st Legion

Please tell me a little bit about yourself and how you got here.

Well, I’m a Nebraska native, lived here most of my life, was in the military. Got out. I decided I wanted to do something a little bit different, so started looking into Star Wars. Joined the 501st Legion in 2000. I’ve been doing this for going on 24 years now.

This weekend ended up being my 501st official event with the club, so it’s been a pretty interesting ride. We’ve been doing charity events all over the country for years. We travel, we have members all over the world. We’ve been on every continent and yeah, we do it just because we love the costuming, we love Star Wars, we love having fun and bringing enjoyment and excitement to people’s lives. The air show—we used to do it regularly, and then as everyone knows, it’s been on hiatus for six years. But they remembered us and invited us back, and we love being here.

Please tell me a little bit about your costume and the adventures making it.

All right, so this is the first order storm trooper armor that I’m wearing today. It’s a kit that you order online. This was actually one of the promotional kits made for the Force Away kits. When they released it, our club got a special access where they only offered a limited number. It’s not a basic kit. There are different skill levels. This is one of the more advanced ones. There’s a lot to it. It has some upgrades and changes and variations that some of the other armors don’t have…that can make it a little more uncomfortable to wear. For example, this one has rubber gaskets on it. So as you can imagine, the rubber gaskets on the knees, the elbows, shoulders, it gets very hot, but it is a fun armor to wear.

It’s wonderful.

Oh, thank you.

Anything people should know before they embark on the adventure of making the costume?

Yes, resources are available. No one should have to start out on their own. One of the nice things about clubs like the 501st Legion is we help people out. We have armor parties where everyone gets together and they bring their projects together. The other thing is it can seem kind of overwhelming at first, but again, you know, reaching out to the organizations, we can take you through the baby steps. It’s an investment in time and money, but the nice thing about it is you can spread that cost over a long time, so it’s not a a big upfront investment. It’s something where you take your time, build your way into, get to know the organization. Everyone joins these clubs for different reasons. Some people like charity work, some people like sporting events, some people like air shows. There’s different reasons that people do it. And so we kind of we all have that melting pot. They may come out and do it. Other people joined, they got the costume, they built it, they just threw it on a mannequin in their basement, and that’s perfectly fine. Not everyone wants to come out and do what we do or do it the way we do it, and that’s perfectly fine.

Thank you.

============================================================= Interview with McKenna Hager,  Scout Trooper from the 501st Legion

Please tell me about how you got here.

I actually have been an unofficial member of the 501st Legion for probably about 15 years now. I’ve just been a friend of the Garrison and going on official trips with them for probably that long, and I officially, finally fulfilled my dream of joining them this June 2024. So it’s been a long time coming, but I finally got to fulfill that dream.

Please tell me more. Tell me about your character.

So I am a Return of the Jedi Scout Trooper, and it’s one of my favorite characters. I’ve always loved the character. I’m not sure why; it’s always been one of my favorites, and so it was the first character that I decided to go for.

And tell me a little bit about your costume.

So the Scout Trooper, it consists of a flight suit that has knee-high boots, knee plates, forearm braces, bicep braces, shoulder pads, a chest plate with a back plate that has a backpack on it, a cummerbund in the middle with a belt, waist pouches, and then a cloth codpiece so I can have considerable more flexibility than most of the other troopers.

And it’s nice you can raise the helmet.

Yes. And I have a visor helmet, so I can actually raise the helmet versus most of these guys have to take the whole helmet off in order to breathe.

Thank you.