Omaha Event: Christmas at the Cathedral, St. Cecelia’s Cathedral, 4 December

Hear the Omaha Symphonic Chorus present the 21st annual Christmas at the Cathedral, in conjunction with the Omaha Symphony Chamber Orchestra and the Nebraska Wesleyan University Choir. Reserved seats are $18 and $30; some free seats are available. Concert time: 2 pm.

St. Cecelia’s Cathedral
701 N. 40th St.
Omaha, NE
(402) 398-1766

Omaha Event: Christmas at the Cathedral, St. Cecelia’s Cathedral, 2 December

Hear the Omaha Symphonic Chorus present the 21st annual Christmas at the Cathedral, in conjunction with the Omaha Symphony Chamber Orchestra and the Nebraska Wesleyan University Choir.

Reserved seats are $18 and $30; some free seats are available. Concert time: 8 pm.

St. Cecelia’s Cathedral
701 N. 40th St.
Omaha, NE
(402) 398-1766